Penulis: Putri Fido
Jumlah halaman: 118 hlm
Cetakan: 1
Tahun terbit: 2006
Penerbit: GagasMedia
ISBN: 979-780-043-1
– I love 3 things! The sun, the moon, and U! The sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever!
– If Roses were Black and violets were brown, my love for you would never b found but roses r red and violets are blue, all i want to say is I LOVE U!
– This sweet cup of cake made of 30% honest heart, 30% luv, 30% loyal, 10% naughty.. 🙂
– Love is neat; love is sweet; when two lips meet, love is complete.
– wot kisses mean!KISS ON HAND=i adore u KISS ON CHEEK=lets b friends KISS ON NECK=i want u KISS ON LIPS=i luv u KISS ANYWHERE ELSE=…lets not get carried away!
– 1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u.1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u.1st time i kiss u i was scared to luv u.but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u!
– If U read,U Owe me a HUG,if U delete,U Owe me a KISS,if U save,U Owe me a DATE,if U return txt 2 me,U Owe me All,but if U ignore,ur MINE,so what will U do?